Thursday, October 28, 2010

Música antigua in Valpo

Even though there is a well known local music ensemble in our city (Ars antiqua), Renaissance music is not common to be heard live in our region, so to attend to a concert of this kind of music is rather an exceptional happening. These youngsters of the Ensamble de dos tiempos from Punta Arenas (Magallanes) are doing these days an amazing rendition of old spanish, french, italian and english repertoire in a series of 3 shows in Valpo, U. Viña del Mar and tonight at centro cultural de Limache.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

FIMIV 2010 OCT.30-31

More info:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FIMIV 2010

Upcoming/ Se viene VII FIMIV 2010 - Oct. 30-31 Sala Rubén Darío, U. Valparaiso, Valparaíso. As always we'll have sessions and workshops at sala Musicamara (UV). Como siempre tendremos sessions después, y talleres musicales instrumentales (gaitas, plectros, vientos) el sábado y domingo en sala Musicamara. Si tienes algún instrumento y tocas música folk no te lo puedes perder.
Programme VII FIMIV 2010
Saturday October 30th

16:00 hrs. – Sala Musicámara : Clínica de Tin Whistle (flauta celta) a cargo de Paulo Bahamondes.
18:00 hrs. – Sala Rubén Darío : Ignacio Hernández (acordeón) , Andes Celta (música celta)

Sunday October 31th

16:00 hrs. – Sala Musicámara : Clínica de Gaitas hispanas y británicas a cargo de Paulo Bahamondes y Luis Chirino.
18:00 hrs. – Sala Rubén Darío : Remembranzas de Galicia (folk galego) , Manush (Hot Jazz)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Woodwind & bagpiping workshops at FIMIV 2010

As part of the VII FIMIV 2010 we will have our traditional ethnic instrumental workshops. This time focused on woodwinds and bagpipes. So if you have any ethnic instrument, especially those bringing some story.... bring it to our workshops, we could help you to bring it to life. Where: sala Musicamara, Universidad de Valparaíso, Errazuriz 1108, Valparaíso. October 30th & 31th from 16 hrs. onwards.
Como parte de nuestro VII FIMIV 2010 realizaremos nuestros talleres instrumentales tradicionales. De modo que si tienes algún instrumento étnico, especialmente aquellos que tengan alguna historia, traelo pues podemos ayudarte a revivirlo. Lugar: sala Musicámara, Universidad de Valparaíso, Errazuriz 1108. 30 & 31 Octubre, 16 hrs.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Forum Valpo

From October 22th onwards, 6 weeks full of all kind of artistic and other cultural venues as part of the 3th Forum internacional de las culturas. More info:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Amerindian folk fest in Valpo

Local Lakitas pipebands (andean pipes) are organising this unique amerindian view of Columbus day tonight at UCV cafeteria...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Columbus day

Along with the Ligurian association, and the city mayor, we (Remembranzas de Galicia pipeband) did celebrate Columbus day inaugurating some mosaic stone designs recalling inmigration to Valpo on the walls around Camogli boulevard, Cerro Yungay. (spanish article).