tuna are a rather odd folk musical tradition born in medieval Spain and implanted in South America as Estudiantinas after the
Figaro estudiantina tour of 1880s. As proper tunas they established themselves singing and serenating with mandolins, bandurrias, laúds, guitars and tambourines recreating this tradition around 1960s and, as a result today, we have dozens of universitarian tunas around the country. In the last couple of decades, they have had plenty of gatherings in different cities of Chile plus two annual tuna festivals during the summer in Iquique and La Serena. These festivals were the only ones where examinations or contests were looked after. Now, we have a new one, exclusive for universitarian tunas representing their schools and excluding estudiantinas. Next friday 17 and saturday 18 at the Viña del Mar's Municipal theather, 19 hrs.
Tuna de Distrito PUCV-Tuna Universitaria de la Universidad de Tarapacá-Tuna de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Atacama-Tuna de Distrito de la Universidad de la Serena-Tuna Mayor de la Universidad de Playa Ancha-Tuna Universitaria de la Universidad de Valparaíso-Tuna de Magisterio de La Universidad Adventista de Chile-Chillán. More info: