Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Noche de San Juan & Cuando canta Gardel

La Noche de San Juan is a traditional party celebrated in rural Chile and in many cities in the country. Since 2003 the Universidad Católica de Valparaiso organises a café concert where storytellers, pregoneros, folk singers and folk bands celebrate the season change (the longest night of the year). Also the same night in some places of the city such as the dancing hall of the Sindicato de Tipógrafos (Canciani street) and the Seminario San Rafael another private memorial party is going on, it is the Gardel night, remembering to the most famous argentine tango singer Carlos Gardel, who sang in Valparaiso in 1917, leaving a lasting impression on their tango aficionados, to the extreme that every year on the eve of his passing away tango aficionados around the world and especially in this town celebrate him with music, dancing and toastings .