The Instituto Chileno Británico de Cultura de Valparaíso invites to the yearly handicrafts & pastries exhibition called “Coffee morning”, traditional activity organised by the Ladie´s Guild de la Iglesia Anglicana St. Peter´s de Viña del Mar.
Coffee or tea with homemade cookies, handicrafts, marmalades & pastries made with traditional british recipies, as well as second hand english language books will be offered. There will be an opening with bagpipe music. This is a non profit cultural and leisure endeavour where all gotten income is donated to local charity organisations. Date/Place: Friday December 5th from 10.30 to 13.30 at the Instituto Chileno Británico de Cultura de Valparaíso (3 Norte esquina 1 Oriente, Viña del Mar). Further info:,, or phones 32-2971061 o 32-2977589.
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