Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bier tasting

Biers have been made in Chile since 1829, when the irishman Andrew Blest started to brew his own make for his friends and customers in Valparaiso. Later on, from 1850s onwards the german traditional biers started to be made in Valdivia and Valparaiso. Since those years, chilean biers have had their up and downs with the consolidation of a single holding company CCU who bought most makers throught the XX century. The results, just a few years ago only very few types of biers.... maybe 6 with the Lager pilsener style with Cristal and Escudo brands, and the darker bitter Malta Morenita making for most of all biers available in the country. Nowadays, CCU along with Cervecerias Chile and Brahma are the big boys, but over 60 smaller biermakers are doing different style biers in Chile. Among them are Cervecera del Puerto in Valpo and Kross in Curacaví.... Therefore, in order to know about these biers and the many today available imported from overseas it make necessary to try out the new and old biers with a new perspective like the monthly bier tasting held at the Bar El irlandés with master biermakers such as Asbjorn Gerlach from Kross who made us taste good high octanage alcoholic biers lastnight.... a real try......
We started with biers with just over 6 alcoholic degrees and we ended with biers with 10.5 to over 12%. A lot of them different, some almost superb.... really good Centenario and Bock kross, plus a number of belgian and german styles....
We started with five different biers
And when I left we had tried out at least 7 more.
Check at El Irlandés for dates for the next bier tasting.... it is a must.
Further info on Biers check: