As said earlier on this past weekend our local municipal theater was open to life after earthquake with two special shows on stage.... On the 20th, the french string quartet Diotima that made an outstanding rendition of classic and more contemporary music by J. Tolosa, A. Guarello and M. Ravel. They played without mics and the clear sweet voice of their instruments was heard in the large stage as they were close.... Indeed they proved that the theater's ceiling restoration did not hamper the original excellent acoustics of this stage.....
It's just a pity that just 120 people were attending to this performance.... some people said it was just the the Forum competition with the big open shows at the Plaza Sotomayor stage.....

On the 21th, we had a double programme with the opening of the local Gustos Reunidos ensemble restaging their Pablo Neruda's musical poetic work..... remarkable work of her soprano voice.....

For the end of the night, we had the honour to hear Beatriz Pichi Malen, who with an amazing voice showed us the musical traditional singing of the mapuche people as well as along with her two musicians dancers the sounds of the Nature and her mapuche cosmovision.... This time, there were many more people attending the performance, among them members of local mapuche commmunities who cried singing Marichiweu to all the more energetic songs waving even a Mapuche flag.....

This time, The national Day of the Music this theater had the
duende (magic) it had lost for a long time.... Like me, some friends who are involved in these musical cultural affairs like Pato Gonzalez, Pascuala Ilabaca, Jaime Frez.. We all saw an amazing view of the full Moon at the gates of the theater still intrigued by this woman, her life, her stories and her amazing voice....

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